Saturday, October 30, 2010

My 30th Birthday....


First of all, here's a little Happy Birthday to ALL of us:

Ahem, wow ok, so I was going to post a facebook status update about the love I'd already received from you guys by 10am...but I found that there was no real way to describe how I'm feeling right now or enough words to thank you!

First, let me tell you how surreal my night was last night. I had a very lowkey night with just a few friends to ease me into my 30s, before I see more of my friends today. Within the span of 4 hours, I had dinner next to Rumor Willis, met an actress from my fav show of 20 years, General Hospital (Natalie Livingston who played "Emily Quartermaine," in case you're wondering) and perhaps weirdest of all, I had a brief encounter with an extremely inebriated Anthony Clark who played "Greg" on CBS' Yes, Dear. while he was dressed as a 12 year old boy for Halloween. I know, right?? Weird. haha...I then had a half hour long conversation with an aspiring country singer who was dressed as a pimp, while his friend--who was dressed as a trojan and who had on no underwear--tried to hit on my friend.

The crazy thing is, on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the CRAZIEST night I've had in the last 5 years, this was probably a 3. That's because my life is been so intense and different and *huh* and *what* and *whoa* for the past few years.

So when I had my mini 30-second meltdown last night at the stroke of midnight when it hit me that I was turning 30 frickin years old and it feels like I was 22 a minute ago, I stopped myself. I'm SO grateful to be alive. I'm SO grateful to be healthy *knock on wood*...I'm SO grateful to have my family, and my close friends, and my larger circle of friends that now spans the globe.

Today I'm going to spend the day with some amazing friends just hanging out and enjoying their company. But I will be thinking of EVERY one of you guys while I do.

Oh and in case anyone has been wondering, my Halloween costume this year? I'm a drug mule. Think about it.


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