Sunday, December 21, 2008


Due to my recent economic transition (aka being broke and homeless, ahem), I've been bouncing around to different friends' couches and discount hotels at LAX on the last bit of "credit" I have. Don't feel sorry for me though, for I get to finally use the word "vagabond" in general conversation!

For a few days at one of these airport establishments, I enjoyed the lovely soft murmurings of what I can only assume was a jackhammer of some sort being used in its regular function, and then every once in a while being actually hurled against my wall for good measure. This is what happens when you book a 2-star hotel at the airport in your own town because there's a discount due to a "renovation." As soon as I realized that the "Pardon our dust" sign at the entrance was practically illegible due to ALL THE FRICKIN DUST covering it, and that there was an actual "Hard Hat Area" banner across the front door (no hard hats provided of course), I knew I was in for a real treat.

So as the mind-numbing banging continued, imagine my delight when I came across the lovely and calming Mia Kirshner on the Tavis Smiley show to delicately drown it out. In seasons 1 and 2, I kinda wanted to throw Jenny off a train while screaming "Towaaandaaaa" and see what would happen. But then a beautiful fan video that a girl in Montreal did a couple of years ago completely changed my mind. And of course Mia's *Jenny* in season 5 made me a complete convert. And thank Jenny's Left Boob that happened!

For those of you who are still on the fence (or throwing rocks at Jenny from the other side of it), I dare you to not be a Mia/Jenny fan after watching these 2 videos:

I can't wait to get this book collection. One of my amazing readers recently told me that it changed her life and might help save mine, so I'm on a hunt for it. Maybe we should have "Arlan's book club" and all read it together? That'd be fun, right! What do you guys think?

...and just in case you missed this video the first time around, oh my:

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