Friday, February 8, 2008

How to Act Like a Celebrity

How to Act Like a Celebrity

Hi! Uncle Earl today want to share tips, only for those who want to Act Like a Celebrity. You don’t have to be a real celebrity, you just act like them. It is worth for you? Defend on you…
  1. Go to all the popular parties, hire a luxury sedan Toyota Alphard. Surround yourself with only pretty people and all your friends MUST be fashionable. Have your friends nod the head everytime when you say something.
  2. Buy some oversize sunglasses. It's ok if bigger than Bunga Citra Lestari (girl) or David Naif (boy).

  3. Get glittery! You probably can't afford diamond jewelry, so buy fake diamonds; they look just as good and it isn't as bad when you lose them while dancing.

  4. Smile all the time! Be happy and make everyone think your life is perfect, even though nothing can technically be "perfect."

  5. Try having a cute catchphrase. Don't say, "Coy!", because it's not hot, it's so 1990. Try, "Secara!" and "Getho!" or "Cemonk". Try saying something cute like that.

  6. Use expensive parfume, get free tester at mall. It’s makes people feel comfortable to get close to you.

  7. Have a website, blog or both and network them. (like Dian Sastrowardoyo)

How to Act Like a Celebrity
[foto and model]

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